Render full blocks using moderngl.
Mainly to test the functionality of moderngl and implement a system for easy extensibility.
The following image shows the blocks rendered using PIL
The identifier `session.video.active_context` will sometimes return a callable type (usually `
- [x] what version of Makie are you running? (`]st -m Makie`): [ee78f7c6] Makie v0.21.15
- [x] can you reproduce the bug with a fresh environment ? (`]activate --temp; add Makie`): yes
- [x] What plat…
We are using geometry-shaders to render simple lines and triangles from input vertices.
These programs/shaders used to work with v5.9.0 but don't work anymore with v5.11.0 - the output of these progr…
We build and install Python modules into a stage directory w/in the FreeBSD ports framework. Then we run pytest in the "tests" folder of the project's working directory while PYTHONPATH points to this…
First of all, great job for the bundle. It is amazing.
I was wondering if it is possible to render Panda3D context within Hello ImGui, Kind of like matplotlib figures. I have been tryin…
We are merging the `demosys/context` windows and `moderngl/examples/window` packages picking the best from each into a separate package. This way we don't have to re-invent the wheel for every single …
Here's the console output:
`Requirement already satisfied: moderngl in /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.12/site-packages (5.10.0)
Collecting moderngl
Using cached moderngl-6.0.dev0.tar.gz (74 kB)
As per wasabi2d's `requirements.txt`, the current HEAD requires
This version is already more than a year out of date; moderngl 5.7 shipped in October of 2022, and the c…
Привет! Подскажи, пожалуйста, как пофиксить ошибки.
2022-01-31 04:17:25,101 - moderngl_window - INFO - Attempting to load window class: moderngl_window.context.pyglet.Window
2022-01-31 04:17:…