# Problems
Compiling, testing or proving the Move contract [atomic_bridge.move](aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework/sources/atomic_bridge.move) generates several warnings.
- some are related to…
Extracting from https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-main-2022/issues/253:
> The language banner is in an unconventional position, worth trying at the top below top bar.
Here's what it would look…
We have this in the options of the component:
![screen shot 2014-05-30 at 14 31 44](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1375475/3130343/6286c0ec-e7f6-11e3-8b6b-a47b115a898f.png)
This is used t…
Teaching: Go up and Ping A, VAL gets stuck
Index Error when pinga at the beginning of the game
still prob…
### Describe the bug
I Made the WASD PAD very big, about half of the screen, but still need press two keys to move ::: S+A ->move left, is there any other method to solve this problem?
### Steps to…
# 🐛 Bug
V1 and V2 (when using language V1) both successfully compile the test case use_struct_overlap_with_module.move:
- ./third_party/move/move-compiler-v2/tests/checking-lang-v1/use_struct_over…
**Describe the bug**
When scrolling the languages by grabbing the scrollbar it will instead of scrolling move it.
**Expected behavior**
Scroll the languages
**Describe the bug**
**To Reproduce**
1. Choose/configure language layout with two entries at the bottom row with custom popup keys.
2. Move comma and/or period key in the function key layout con…
### Description
Doesn't work case insensitive search on russian language.
### DBeaver Version
Community Edition 24.2.3
### Operating System
Win10 x64
### Database and driver
PostgreSQL 15.3 + d…
### LeetCode Username
### Problem Number, Title, and Link
283. Move Zeroes, https://leetcode.com/problems/move-zeroes/?envType=study-plan-v2&envId=leetcode-75
### Bug Category