The link you offered for MSMT17 downloading is invalid, could you please upload it again, thanks a lot.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python examples/cluster_contrast_train_usl.py -b 256 -a resnet50 -d msmt17 --…
Thanks for your code. I managed to reproduce the results for Market, Duke and CUHK03. However, I tried to add CUHK-SYSU and MSMT17 into argument --test_dataset, which could not give results mentioned…
Hello, I have a question, the performance of SpCL+ or MMT+ on DukeMTMC-reID -> MSMT17 and Market-1501 -> MSMT17, have you made these experimental settings?
Look forward to your reply. Thank you ve…
Hi! I want to train the resnet50 on MSMT17 data set but i am unable to understand the preparation process. In your read me file, it says "for MSMT17, there are more than 10 cameras. You need to modif…
Could you shared with the generated 3D data of the duke and msmt17 datasets? Thank you.
你好,作者,不知道代码里面加载数据集的list_train.txt这些TXT文件可以发布一下吗?按照您的执行预训练的步骤,我不理解ln -s [PATH TO MSMT17_V1] ./data/MSMT17_V1这个命令,数据集需要自己下载??
`import torchreid
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch
import onnx
input_name = ['input']
output_name = ['output']
model = torch.load('osnet_x1_0_msmt17_256x128_ams…
top改为40的时候bcubed: ave_pre: 0.8325, ave_rec: 0.6552, fscore: 0.7333, cluster_num: 15176
ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32').