Hi there, I stumbled upon this project and have absolutely no experience in HIFI or multiroom audio. Could you please just sum up a few points how this is similar / different to [snapcast?](https://gi…
Is it possible to redirect the Sound output to a fifo so spotify-connect-web could be used with https://github.com/badaix/snapcast for multiroom audio ?
I have a Multiroom System that is currently working but that's all
It isn't working to its full potential and I have multiple speakers to a 2 channel amplifier
Audio Source for the amps: Chromec…
Is there a way to disable the logging? My Domoticz log gets full of info from the plugin.
I have a multiroom-setup with 8 Chromecast Audio and it logs everything from all of the devices and …
plugin works
would like to have output sent to fifo file for snapcast like this below instead of also
audio_output {
type "fifo"
enabled "yes"
name …
Often my volumio on raspberry pi 3b stucks when it played music files for a while.
Looks like same log is looping for hours.
reffering to previous thread I provide a log for reference. hope it help…
Snapcast server has a lot of dropouts (RPi) with the default settings in /etc/mpd.conf.
Change to:
`audio_output { …
Hopefully this might address the current issue of glitches and skips, noted here:
Any way to add multiroom for chromecast audio?
Also I would like to use the command line to fully control the player (not the keyboard). Would be highly appreciated. Thanks
In order to make the snapcast system more usable as a multiroom audio solution it would be amazing if we had a way to group clients to particular "rooms" or "areas" and have those clients be easily mu…