@nutjob4life create new Solr Query API interface to allow users to query Solr metadata. For example, show me all EventIDs for LTP2 Site weRc6TUHvOru6A. Or return all EventIDs by BlindedSiteID for LTP2…
We (@scottyhq, @apawloski, and others) are interested in building a Intake interface to NASA's CMR. NASA is currently in the early stages of moving its data storage to public cloud (mostly AWS). As pa…
"Browse APIs" -> "Satellite Situation Center"
First link points to [https://sscweb.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/REST/], needs to point to [https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/REST/]
It has been several years since any updates were pushed to this repository and I am wondering whether that will change. I have tried building this against a newer version of a cFS Bundle (https://gith…
Why not have this an array of uuids?
A web application that displays random NASA Astronomy Pictures of the Day.
Tech stack - html,CSS,JS and NASA open APIs
its a simple app will be having cards showing pics and some brief info about i…
As a STEM “Ambassador” I volunteer time and support to promote STEM subjects to young learners
In this talk we shall explore how open data and open APIs can be used …
As a user, I don't want to see an internal error message when running an apod command, but rather a friendly message of what happened.
example command: `/spacebot apod 2009-10-17`
This API is ret…
Should we clarify that this field corresponds to the "other" USS (mean…