# [42-libasm] nasm intel assembly syntax 알아보기! | JaeSeoKim's Blog
42Seoul에서 assembly 관련 서브젝트를 진행하게 되어서 개인적으로 정리한 내용입니다. 틀린 부분이 존재 할 수 있으니 발견하게 된다면 댓글로 이야기 해주세요! nasm syntax 란? The Netwide Assembler (…
Hi, im currently writing a jit compiler and need to load a 64 bit immediate value into a register. The only way to do this in one instruction afaik is by using the mov encoding `movabs rax, imm64`. Th…
I use SpaceVim with nasm mode for assembly language programming. I know Neoformat has a definition for asm, however this does not work for nasm mode. I can make it work for nasm mode by creating a n…
Is inline assembly planned before 1.0?
Odin looks interesting to me, but I need to be able to write assembly
If not planned, is there a way to load .asm files?
Thanks, and sorry if …
In Chapter 3 under "Calling C Code From Assembly" the code snippet says `external sum_of_three`. This should be `extern sum_of_three`, otherwise nasm fails and outputs `error: parser: instruction expe…
Rav1d being a port of dav1d to rust, is intended to be a drop in replacement for dav1d, and this extends to librav1d vs libdav1d. rav1d does not currently have a rust API and is focused on being a dro…
In linked issue #20366, we root-caused a subtle issue in which SHA3 hashes were incorrectly generated in the Windows environment. It turns out that the issue is due to the usage of an old version of `…
Assembly style: NASM
Add appropriate comments wherever applicable
`movzb` cannot be recognised by nasm, it should be substituted by `movzx` acco…
Currently, if CFG is enabled on Windows 32 bit executable, the library will crash. As mentioned in #1592, a CFG-aware assembler is required when enabling CFG. For 64-bit, the VC-WIN64A-masm target c…