import { NestedScrollView, NestedScrollViewHeader } from '@sdcx/nested-scroll'
const App = () => {
const handlePress = () => {
//todo 如何滑动到顶部
return (
Currently, the `VeilRecyclerFrameView `component from the AndroidVeil library does not support the nestedScrollingEnabled attribute. This limitation poses challenges when attempting to use the view in…
I have a few ideas for this, although I will not be able to pursue them now.
Ideally, a re-vamped NestedScrollView would solve these issues (among others, theses are just a few of several that stan…
The `ChecklistViewItemOnDragListener::onDrag` [1] tries to find the next `ScollView` ancestor. In some cases it is necessary to use a `NestedScrollView` instead of a normal `ScrollView`. But it is no…
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide NestedScrollView;
import 'package:frefresh/frefresh.dart';
import 'package:extended_nested_scroll_view/extended_nested_scroll…
I'm going to develop feature that
[when user click gridview item, then
1. change gridview ->listview widget
2. scroll to gridview item's index on Listview
(e.g. instagram poster interaction…
It work with NestedScrollView?
ConstraintLayout inside NestedScrollView add a space, example if you create a views inside your layout the height of all the views is the space added in the below of that constraint. Can explain why i…
When put RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView then called all pages continuously until last page without scroll!
May be you can add support of android.support.v4.widget.NestedScrollView?
Or add compatibility of CoordinatorLayout to your ObservableScrollView.