Note: This issue is light on details because the Newsfeed is a new feature under active development - we'll likely have more specifics as we get closer to launch-ready on the Newsfeed.
**Success Crit…
The current start page is quite boring. Let's make it more interesting! How about a feed of information that is relevant to the user?
- Announcements by the FSR, StuKo...
- New myhpi release announc…
Ranking: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/edgerank-algorithm-facebook-news-feed/
### URL
_No response_
### On what type of device(s) did you see this bug?
_No response_
### On which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem?
_No response_
### Other OS
_No response_
How will the newsfeed look when tagged with a friend?
Where will the comments appear in the newsfeed?
Using the timestamp can we find the day?
How are the Newsfeed posts gonna generate the messages?
**Title:** Set up app to render templates
**User Stories**
* As a user, I want to be able to view the home and dashboard pages in the browser
Het net-toegevoegde newsfeed is niet helemaal goed uitgelijnd met de newsitems (en daarnaast is 'newsfeed' niet met een hoofdletter geschreven).
**Platform**: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) on Raspberry Pi 2
**Node Version**: 22.11.0
**MagicMirror² Version**: 2.29.0
**Description**: After upgrading MagicMirror from v2.28.0 to v2.29.…