Hello i'm trying to adapt the library and build it to use it on Raspberry Pi 5. I use the 32 Bit OS that use a 64 Bit Kernel with 4K Page Size.
I built the driver .ko with linux 6.6.51 kernel. The…
I'm working with NRC7292 AND RASPBEERY 3.I got such an error in the Host Mode document, how can I fix it?
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ~/nrc_pkg/script/start.py 1 0 US
They offer also some 100 translations of their words, the website is generally interesting, as they also say that there seems to be quite so…
In de response op het bevragen van de NRC - abonnement wordt een token meegegeven in het veld auth.
Stel dat een applicatie een ClientID nodig heeft met rechten op de NRC om een abonnement aan te mak…
Web of Soil version of NRCS-NCSS https://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx
- [x] download data
- [x] annotate data
- [x] shoestring data
Hi, in Chapter 11, it says to use the NRC lexicon for sentiment analysis. However using `get_sentiments("nrc")` returns an error when I select "1" from the little install menu that comes up:
To reduce the number of requests it would be great if we can PATCH or PUT `rollen` (and other resources).
In some cases a `rol` is created at a time where more informati…
### Welcher Client wurde verwendet?
### Beschreibung
Kann aus irgendeinem Grund frei auf der Map rumlaufen. Wenn man sich in eine Ecke stellt kann man theoretisch unendlich Punkte farm…
Thanks so much for this project! I've encountered an issue on Jupyter Notebooks when trying to access the lexicon nrc_en.json. Here's the output of a sample that I tried to run:
from nrclex import…