The nRF52840-DK framework does work correctly with the dev board. The variant.cpp does not match up with the pins on the board. Also the nrf52840_dk.json makes a call to the nRF52DK variant which is a…
I am trying to program an nRF52810 (A door key, which I am seeing if can be reprogrammed) using STLink v2 clone. when trying to upload a blink sketch, selecting Generic NRF52 as board, I see following…
Because the 840 and 833 were too expensive, I tried to find a cheap SOC
Hi, I'm pretty new to Rust so apologies if this is something obvious on my end. When cloning the repo and running `cargo build`, I get the error shown below. I am using Ubuntu 19.10 and rustc version …
It would be good to have a checklist in the source file of every example, to ensure people trying to use examples for different chips/boards know what they need to do. This is a VERY common question i…
I just created an alternative firmware that is compatible with both nRF51 and nRF52 platforms. It's using the Softdevice S130/S132 2.0.0 from Nordic SDK11.
I already tried it on this modules:
- …
The current interface relies on undocumented assumptions and isn't very clean. It should be fixed before we start supporting more MCUs to avoid introducing too much technical debt.
(the timer inter…
In the repo, there are obvious firmware links to:
- esp
- linux_hci
- microbit
for microbit -> the firmware given in that directory is using the fixed public key at compile time:
你好,我正在给 [rmk](https://github.com/haobogu/rmk) 添加nRF52810的支持。请问作者有没有尝试过为nRF52810使用softdevice s132呢?我目前在仓库里只看到有使用s112。我想用s132是因为,它包含了central部分的实现,这在分体里面是很有用的。由于现在用nRF52810的比较少,所以冒昧在这里问一下,感谢!
As Wayne reported [here](https://lists.launchpad.net/kicad-lib-committers/msg00547.html), there are some invalid footprint associations in Amplifier_Audio.lib which need to be fixed. They're old refe…