**TODO.-** Add rule
[xxxxx] > apkid libmappsolid.so
[+] APKiD 1.0.0 :: from RedNaga :: rednaga.io
[*] libmappsolid.so
|-> obfuscator : Obfuscator-LLVM version 3.6.1
Hash :
From Virustotal
Description :
For another sample
[*] APP3.0.4(22).apk!lib/armeabi-v7a/libshell-super.2019.so…
How do you think whether it is possible to implement the obfuscator as a LLVM plugin?
It would be very flexible solution for using with different toolchains.
As an example, following project can be …
"hub-mirror": [
I wanted to study the [obfuscator-llvm](https://github.com/obfuscator-llvm) project, so I built it into the LLVM.xcodeproj using "cmake -GXcode", after finished building the Xcode project 'cl…
cmake version 3.5.1
ubuntu 16.04LTS
I used the instructions below. However i got the unexpected result. Could anyone help me to fix it?
Thank you in advance!!
$ git clone -b llvm-4.0 https://g…
CT-LU updated
5 years ago
$ clang++ --version
Obfuscator-LLVM clang version 4.0.1 (based on Obfuscator-LLVM 4.0.1)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Volumes/osxext/build/bin
When I use o-llvm compiler where -mllvm -bcf -mllvm -bcf_loop=1 -mllvm -bcf_prob=20 param, there is no response, even one day.
Similarly, I hava integrated with XCode 9.2, but there are exceptions wh…
CompileC /Users/alfred/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/NeoTest-dgjbysqsplnmckdeninxwgpqkjoa/Build/Intermediates.noindex/NeoTest.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/NeoTest.build/Objects-normal/arm64/main.…
The samples from Android Republic.
**Unknown lib obfuscator**
Lib file /assets/emt.androidrepublic/monkey.png (IDA identified as libemtrepublicv3.so). Looks like Ollvm obfuscator
In 2016-2020, th…