Hi, can i check if ODAS will work on the Kinect DK? Been playing around with the cfg file, but I've been stuck at getting data to show up on the odas web server. Would appreciate a poke in the right d…
I purposely removed the IASI Metop-B and Metop-C observation data files from the R2D2 location, and it crashed during fetching. The error message in the job.err file within the GetObservations-geos_at…
is it possible to use Microsoft Kinect version 2 and odas if yes do any body has the configuration file for it ?
Now I porting odas in MT8516 platform.
MT8516:4 Cores 64 bit ARM®Cortex-A35™,1.3GHz
And there are four mics in the platform.
I found that processing 7.6s 16khz 4 channel audio data will cost 9.7s.
> odas_studio@0.3.0 start /home/pi/Desktop/odas_web
> electron .
(env) pi@raspberrypi:~/Desktop/odas_web $ node -v
(env) pi@raspberrypi:~/Desktop/odas_web $ npm -v
A brief/temporary issue to cover updated instructions for a test branch of the CRTM coefficient generation package.
This replaces certain commands in the quickstart guide:
I did
`sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libconfig-dev libasound2-dev libgconf-2-4
sudo apt-get install cmake
git clone https://github.com/introlab/odas.git
mkdir odas/build
cd odas/build
cmake …
I'm running ODAS on a Raspberry Pi with Respeaker 4-mic array and running ODAS Web on a remote laptop running odas_web on Windows 10.
The odas is running well on Raspberry Pi, but I don't kno…
I captured audio with ReSpeaker Mic Array v2.0 (4 mic array) and used ODAS with raw mic data. When I compared the ReSpeaker provided processed audio (channel 0) with ODAS post filtered audio…
Just asking before buying raspbery pi and a recording device,
Is it possible to save the different azimuths to files with ODAS studio or ODAS live(so I can view it on a different time)? or do I …