> Loading config D:\Program Files\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\annotator\oneformer\configs/ade20k/oneformer_swin_large_IN21k_384_bs16_160k.yaml with yaml.unsafe_load. Your m…
I'm trying to fine-tune the model for instance segmentation with a custom dataset that I have locally in COCO format. The issue that I'm having is that I don't know how exactly to convert the segmenta…
What's the version of diffusers you used?
I tried servel of them, but all failed.
In accordance with the PyTorch
environment and CUDA version you provided, I encountered this error. How can I resolve it? Thank you !
`RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when cal…
When I trying to reproduce the result, using following command:
`python train_net.py --dist-url 'tcp://' --num-gpus 2 --config-file configs/coco/swin/oneformer_swin_tiny_bs16_50ep.y…
@NielsRogge I'm trying to fine-tune Oneformer for instance segmentation and HF throws an exception. Here's a simple reproduction:
This should load annotations as arrays converted to tensors in a format that can be accepted by the oneformer transformers model. see https://github.com/developmentseed/slickformer/blob/main/notebooks…
Thanks for opensource your fancy work.
I tried to run your code follow your three sh files.
The train script works fine after several tries of the package version in requirements.txt
But there ar…
(IMPORT FAILED) [ComfyUI Nodes for Inference.Core](https://github.com/LykosAI/ComfyUI-Inference-Core-Nodes) Primary Nodes for Inference.Core and Stability Matrix. With a focus on not impacting startup…
Hi, thanks for your awesome work!
I am wondering how to train segmentation controlnet with my customed dataset. I noticed that the Predictor of OneFormer must use `BGR` image in pre-trained seg-contr…