> "d:\harbour\bin\hbmk2.exe" D:\harbour\addons\hwgui\hwgui\utils\debugger\*.hbp -ge1 -m -n -w3 -es2 -workdir=c:\temp
hbmk2: Processing environment options: -comp=mingw
hbmk2: Processing configu…
OOHG's sample [edit_extended/s002.prg](https://github.com/oohg/samples/blob/main/edit_extended/s002.prg) does not allow to make changes to the database. This error es caused by the changes in this com…
Que tal colegas.
Ya se consulto sobre este tema, pero en ese momento era mas que nada para saber cuantos usuarios estaban conectados al sistema.
Mi problema es diferente. Necesito evitar que un prog…
Buenas tardes:
He utilizado un ejemplo de ooHG quitando lo que no es necesario para ver el error y añadiendo las dos líneas ON ENTER y ON DBLCLICK para que muestre la información deseada.
Lo qu…
Function _OOHG_SIZEOFBITMAPFROMFILE always returns {0,0,0}
This error was introduced by ff929eb0e3c458e3caf17509ded2a92c4b1a9564
Add support for bold, italic, strikeout, underline and charset attributes to OOHG's default font.
OOHG's default font is not being honored by IDE's options. It's always set to IDE's font (verdana 9).
Some font attributes are not displayed when font is changed to OOHG's default.
Change the font for newly designed forms, and its attributes, to OOHG's default font instead of MS Sans Serif.
Add support for saving/retrieving the preferred font to/from the project's INI file.
It should default to OOHG's default font.