Could NOT find OpenCV (missing: opencv_contrib) (found version "3.2.0")
iam getting this error while cmake
i have used opencv git repo and also the opencv_contrib repo while building open cv
When I try to collect the video in step 2 in colab.research.google.com, I get an error
`Processing 2 Омоложение.mp4 using 2 Bulgaria P 2 (1).MP3 for audio
imports loaded!
Converting audio to…
With the sample image I have this error
./gcp_check.py ./samples/bme/DJI_0087.jpg
Warning: Expected min height of view: () to be less than or equal to 30 but got a height of 32.0000…
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem
- 系统环境/System Environment:
- 版本号/Version:Paddle: PaddleOCR: 问题相关组件/Related components:
- 运行指令/Command Cod…
OpenCV(4.10.0) D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv\modules\highgui\src\window.cpp:1295: error: (-2:Unspecified error) The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or…
I need to have the aruco functionality provided in libopencv-contrib-dev. However the binary for image_geometry depends on libopencv-dev. These two packages conflict on my system and installing the on…
compile with opencv contrib?
### Describe the feature and motivation
G-API is quite interesting technology following a long tradition of graph engines. It's targeted for efficient streaming video/image processing on a variety …