`curl "https://api.opensensemap.org/boxes/64cb602193c69500072a580f?format=json" ` seems to return all sensor IDs, this could be executed at startup.
It is low-prior for now, as the first weather st…
1. How can I change the displayed colours in the interpolation?
I w…
Ich habe in meiner Sensorbox zusätzlich eine BME280 verbaut und lasse die Daten auch an die opensensemap weiterleiten.
Box: esp8266-1447335
Having a similar issue to https://github.com/opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software/issues/875
But it seems that reboot fixes it, well it did last time at least.
Running Firmware version: NRZ-2020-13…
**In short:**
I am wondering what is your policy regarding `Too Many Requests` ?
1) Is there a maximum `Too Many Requests` allowed per hour/day/week?
2) Do you ban IP if you detect `Too Many Re…
Hi! I have tried to connect from the testing environment ( https://testing.opensensemap.org/ ) to HiveMQ over MQTTS and after a minute or two published messages aren't saved anymore or the client disc…
When using the OpenSenseMap block for the Ethernet shield (Wi-Fi however is no issue), the BoxID doesn't go anywhere in the code. However, it is required for updating to work or HTTP will respond 403 …
The information has been added to the README. I don't need to add them, but at least think each one over.
- [ ] MetaWeather
- [ ] The Rainery
- [ ] openSenseMap
You can easily create an icon matching the openSenseMap with `leafletr`, it could be helpful for users to provide the icon with a function in this package.
sense_icon %
addTiles() %>%
nuest updated
6 years ago
When uploading new measurement data via the API HTTP POST method (according to the docs at https://docs.opensensemap.org/#api-Measurements-postNewMeasurement) there is no authentication that autho…