I have started a migration from four osteology databases from Bergen to a Darwin core format. I will make a script in VBA (excel) that automatically generate all Dwc-files from the databases. The firs…
# Final Disposition
Unless someone shows up with a better idea very soon, here's what I'm doing.
## Stay
These will remain where they are.
| Column | Justification |
## Instructions
This is a template to facilitate communication with the Arctos Code Table Committee. Submit a separate request for each relevant value. This form is appropriate for exploring how da…
# Current Status
The core of this is running in test, feedback is welcome.
* It should not be possible to use an Arctos record GUID for an inappropriate identifier type
* It should not be pos…
I'm trying to link bird records to individually scanned ledger pages hosted online by our library. The current media metadata bulkloader maxes out at 5 relationships, however, some of our ledger pages…
GBIF's GUM model treats collections as agents (yay, I think...) and the idea has come up a few times locally (eg for printing loan forms). There's no decent connection between those things in Arctos, …
Error text:
An error occurred while processing this page!
Message: ERROR: column reference "collection_id" is ambiguous Position: 121
We "standardized" collection to make this thing...
more readable. Our "standardized" data aren't.
UAM@ARCTOS> select distinct collection from collection order by collection;
Should now read: "Chelsi Slotten recieved her PhD in anthropology from American University. She received her BA from Tulane University in New Orleans where she studied human osteology, forensics, and …
"ns_uri": {
"osteology_common": "http://collectionspace.org/services/osteology",
"osteology_anthropology": null
That URI value should be: `http://collectionspace…