When I use a date string in the TZDate constructor, it appears that the time zone has no effect.
My machine is in Pacific Daylight Time and all of these produce the same time, midnight UTC interpre…
I reached out to Eric Quan and he is making the request directly to CDOS for a new workspace specifically for the FOS Data Explorer
![CebPacA340 PeachMango](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1a143511-b529-4054-986f-b7f9d400e013)
Cebu Pacific Air.Com Version
![CebPacA340 PeachMango (2005Version)](https://github.com…
ghost updated
2 months ago
Textual data is missing for companies that is item 1 in Part 1. is not being identified
Arem Pacific Corp
Items List: ['Item 2', 'Item 3', 'Item 4', 'Item 1', 'Item 1A', 'Item 5', 'Item 6']
Saved e…
**Describe the bug**
When using the AWS Landing Zone Accelerator (LZA) with an imported S3 bucket specified for ELB access logs in the global-config.yaml file, the generated S3 bucket policy inco…
A customised package for mapping and dealing with spatial data relating to pacific countries and regions could help standardise and speed up the production of insights such as choropleth maps etc.
[Here's a link to the Community of Practice Terms of Reference](https://086gc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/brett_johnson_dfo-mpo_gc_ca/Documents/DFO%20Pacific%20Salmon%20Data%20Community%20of%20Pr…
Im trying to plot from Madagascar to America, but there is a problem... just a gray line in the map. I suppose that is related to the antemeridian...
Here is the code:
basemap = basemap(…
Declan Embury is working on a [Pacific Data Hub SharePoint website](https://086gc.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/PacificDataHub/SitePages/DataHub.aspx?csf=1&web=1&share=ETFi5Q9__tJJhq4fzudfYusB2ppw_6hIcbq…
We noticed that the HLS “Oops!” error* seems to occur at roughly the same time every day, so we created a script which checks the status of HLS throughout the day. Indeed, the oops error occurs every …