Not an issue but a question: I'm trying Surya for the first time, and it seems much slower than Tesseract and PaddleOCR on the CPU. Is this normal behavior, or am I missing something?
系统版本:Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
root@proxy:/home/system_install_package/PaddleOCR-json/cpp# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBS ./build/bin/PaddleOCR-json -models_path="/home/system_install_pa…
### **Command Executed**
python scripts/ocr.py --config=configs/ocr.yaml
### **Logs**
Below are the logs leading up to the issue:
### Description of the bug | 错误描述
app-1 | 2024-11-06 10:42:24.790 | INFO | magic_pdf.model.pdf_extract_kit:__call__:490 - table time: 0.0
app-1 | │ │ │ │ …
`paddle2onnx --model_dir . --model_filename inference.pdmodel --param…
const ocr = new OCR(
path.join(__dirname, './Paddl…
我在 PaddleOCR repo 中使用最新的 SLANet,其推理效果低于PaddleX中的SLANet,请问PaddleX的SLANet来源于何处
您好作者,我在使用您编译的paddleocr c++ 出现问题,执行到det.cpp Run 的时候出现异常,我进行捕获一场,告诉我节点有误,我使用的是您库里的模型,没有异常的情况,rec 无法识别 保存的推理图片也没有目标框,我对inputname[0] 打印则出输入信息,因为第一次运行出现异常,我查看onnx官网,对Run 每个文件都进行异常捕获,目前其他文件是没有问题,您看一下,这是什么问…
支持paddleocr v4吗
When using the gradio demo to recognize Chinese characters, the output often appears as gibberish or incorrect characters that are non-sense. I would like to know how to address this issue or if there…