This issue appears not to be very minor for the pyboard or any board using 64- or 100-pin versions of the STM32F405, so it could be low-priority or 'won't fix'. However, I encountered this running Mic…
The type annotation on the geometries on the attribute of the [InputMoleculeSpec](https://github.com/orionarcher/pymatgen-io-openmm/blob/bac1576363d0aa9af077b61ebab21347a3eb4eb2/pymatgen/io/openmm/sch…
Changing Empty states to use illustrations instead of icons.
Would need to update all the images to match these new illustrations, as well as the icon table for the different use cases.
X-Forwarded-For should get the PF6 capability to handle multi-layer forwarding.
Talk about release highlights and why you should migrate
ClipboardCopy currently truncates at the end. It may be nice in some cases to truncate at the start or middle (similar to how `Truncate` component works).
A workaround could currently work with `in…
This is linked to #15 as it leads to production of ambiguous prgs (multiple paths give rise to same sequence)
Clustering code can conclude that there is no meaningful clustering of a set of sequenc…
[Design Spec - Boolean](https://www.figma.com/design/YV8fXr4jjEjUqhvRzI0tT2/PatternFly%3A-Chatbot-Design-Framework?node-id=428-14782&t=RP6bjDiAIAIRYhM0-4)
[Design Spec - Multiple choice, inline](https…
Development Board A has the following peripherals:
- IST8310 Magnetometer Sensor (I2C, connected to MPU6500 as a I2C slave)
- MPU6500 IMU Sensor (SPI connection)