Hello, I'm trying to use AdminerEvo to access a Mongo DB and am getting this error. What can I do to fix it?
"None of the supported PHP extensions (mongo, mongodb) are available."
I'm running t…
I tried uploading the [Web Stories](https://wordpress.org/plugins/web-stories/) plugin, but the plugin gave an error notice:
![The following PHP extensions are missing: dom, libxml. Please contact …
Currently, we compile with the following extensions enabled:
* *Core*
* bcmath
* ctype
* date
* fileinfo
* filter
* hash
* iconv
* json
* openssl
* pcre
* Phar
* posix
* Reflection
* …
I have a Composer dependency that requires imagick, but it seems it's not included here. How can I add it?
Missing `php_intl` extension.
As recommended here: https://make.wordpress.org/hosting/handbook/server-environment/#php-extensions
h2. Description
CMS-Extensions 4.5.0
PHP 8.2.23
Firefox and Chrome
*The same constellation with CMS 4.4.0 works fine.*
Update to CMS extensions 4.5.0.
Open the Shop and selec…
### Setup
- SMW version: 4.2.0 (also tested: 4.1.3)
- MW version: 1.39.3
- PHP version: 7.4.33 (also tested: 8.1)
- DB system (MySQL, Blazegraph, etc.) and version: MySQL 8.0.17, Blazegraph 2.1.…
Sadly, there is no clear instruction about what PHP extensions (and their versions) are required by WordPress.
Leave a comment if you can help
The pecl stats page (https://pecl.php.net/package-stats.php) should add a time range dimension. Because some of the most downloaded extensions seem to have stopped maintenance, but are still ranked at…
Adding private function before `ProblemsPlugin.problemsChecker()` :
private function safe_extension_loaded($aExtName)
if(!isset($this->__php_extensions)) $this->__php_extensions = get…