Thank you very much for your work on "PIDNet: A Real-time Semantic Segmentation Network Inspired by PID Controllers", I am very impressed. Your explanation of the three modules of PID is brilliant and…
Hello, I'm training PIDNet and instead of having a tensor of dimensions (B, C, H, W), I have a 2 lists of (C, H, W)...
I don´t know if this is a bug or it's my fault. The error comes at the first par…
Find the link for the TensorRT implementation of PIDNet-S and PIDNet-M where the inference speed increases by 30% below:
Thank you for your work.
Did you try bigger architecture than PIDNet-L ?
If it is not the case, why didn't you try ? (and if it is the case, are the results interesting)?
I'm interest…
cityscapes pidnet-s 对应两个权重,val.pt和test.pt,请问两个权重是如何训练的?猜测val.pt是用train做训练集,val做验证集,test是train+val做训练集,val做测试集。另外,评估时,是不是都是用val进行评估的?目前用val做测试集,val.pt的mIoU为78.76%,test.pt是86.96%(比官方的77.8高了很多),是否正常?
I'm training a binary semantic segmentation model using the PIDnet architecture.
I'm not sure why, but even though I only have 0s and 1s, my model output is still int64.
This is a problem for me bec…
We use our own data to train .
File "D:\A\segmentation\PIDNet-main\tools\..\utils\utils.py", line 42, in forward
ph, pw = outputs[0].size(2), outputs[0].size(3)
IndexError: Dimension out of …
Hello, I put some of my photos in data/cityscapes/images/train, data/cityscapes/images/val, data/cityscapes/images/train, data/cityscapes/label/train_labels and data/cityscapes/val_labels.
(Absolute …
您好,请问semantic loss 和 sb loss 在刚开始训练的时候就不为0吗?我在cityscapes上训练 pidnet_medium 时,只有BCE loss的数值不为0,semantic loss 和 sb loss 的值一直为0, 且总的loss不收敛 请问您有没有遇到这种情况?