If You loaded FW from official site istade of pluto plus FW, ...just change jumpers :
to this:
**When using the official ADI-PlutoSDR firmware, please connect to URST-MI052.**
When using Pluto+ f…
Dear Howard, PlutoPlus,
Can you publish the bitstreams for version 0.32.1 and the 0.33.3 firmware?
I would like to experiment with the Linux environment without setting up the Vivado environment.…
hvegh updated
2 years ago
- [x] Add a folder `build_scripts` where buildscripts for the various artifacts reside.
This enables re-usage of the scripts for the end-user as well as for the automated Github actions.
- [x] A…
- [x] Disable SSH on tap device or secure it with a custom password
- [ ] Update the manual and include a section on ssh config
- [ ] Check IIO-daemon. Disable it at TAP device?
- [x] root password…
I'm trying to build v0.38 for e310v2 with VIVADO 2022.2 with different SDK verions, but error appears (problems with , before this I build v0.35 for 'ant' with 2021.1 & SDK 2019.1 without any problems…
It's not easy to build lastest fimware for E200.
It would be very nice to provide built firmware v0.38 so we can easily update our devices.
Hello,when i use grgsm_livemon catch the gsm information, i meet this error
/home/opensourcesdr# grgsm_livemon --arg=bladerf
Warning: failed to XInitThreads()
linux; GNU C++ version 7.3.0; Boo…
Given that there have been no updates to the firmware for some time, I decided to do so for my own edification among other reasons.
Please see,
Update artifact actions to v4 both here and in plutosdr-fw.
Everything is in the title.
1) Unfortunately the sampling rates available in the RX-0 menu do not allow me to use my PlutoSDR with linhpsdr. Reception is impossible as audio is terrible,…