- Come up with a coherent argument
- Keep within 10 minutes
- Check with Prof Lassiter
J'aimerai expérimenter une électronique/méca modulaire.
On part de là :
- Céres est découpée en étages, mais certains étages sont difficiles à démonter mécaniquement, et il y a beaucoup de fils …
Hey! I'm Sam, a Recruiter situated in London with a focus on working with startups/scaleups in the field(s) of Geospatial, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. Here are some additional companies for …
Thanks for the project. It looks really promising. I would like to try it, but I fail to install it. So far I did:
poetry install
I do not find a way to run `qsa qsa.yml`. Maybe I am…
Hi Valdecy,
There seems to be an issue with the openai-dependency in pyDecision:
I installed the latest version in a clean virtual Environment. When I execute your AHP-example i get the follwing…
fr1 = '''Prométhée le lion et l'éléphant.Le lion se "plaignait souvent de" Prométhée, bien que Prométhée l'ait rendu grand et puissant"'''
fr2 = '.' + fr1.replace("'","\'").replace('"','\"') + '.'
In the promethee methods, i think the distance_array and pd_array have incorrect dimensions.
Distance matrix x axis has: n(n-1) elements (n being number of alternatives) and y axis has: m criteria.
⚠️ *Please try the last beta version and check existing issues before issuing a bug.* ⚠️
### Describe the bug
Il y a quelques jours j'ai essayé d'accéder aux replays de tf1 et ça ne fonctionnait p…
Hello ! I'm trying to run this code :
utils::download.file("https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/11438549", "metabolites_20180508.bridge")
locationm = normalizePath("./metabolites_20180508…
Hi, first of all, thanks for this list, it's been immensely useful to me many times already!
### Companies not on the list
During preparing my own list of EO companies and their job sites ([EO-j…
DahnJ updated
2 years ago