When I attempt to highlight the following code snippet using Sphinx, MyST, and jsx-lexer, Sphinx returns a warning:
`WARNING: Could not lex literal_block as "jsx". Highlighting skipped.`
Author Name: **Tom Kralidis** (@tomkralidis)
Original Redmine Issue: [11731](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/11731)
Redmine category:metasearch_catalogue_client
As suggested by @alexbruy, since …
qgib updated
2 months ago
Darko uses highlight.js for syntax highlighting currently. The generated result is not compatible with the result of pygments though. Therefore those styles written for pygments won't be usable if som…
Originally reported by: **Florian Bruhin (BitBucket: [The-Compiler](http://bitbucket.org/The-Compiler), GitHub: @The-Compiler?)**
For this code:
import pygments.lexers
import …
It would be nice to write a pygments syntax highlighter for disco, so we can have nice syntax highlighting for code examples in the documentation.
### Problem
It seems that since #11, there is now a recursive dependency of `jupyterlab_pygments` on `jupyterlab` on `jupyter_server` on `nbconvert` on `jupyterlab_pygments`. Even though most of th…
So you can include snippets in your blog and stuff.
rking updated
11 years ago
whatever can be syntax highlighted should be syntax highlighted
`https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab_pygments.git `
_Originally posted by @zxramozx in https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab_pygments/pull/41_
provide pygments syntax highlighter for document
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `gasolin` on 3 Sep 2007 at 2:37