i tried with this file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MahiroDev091/EAAA-EAAD-EAAD6V7-TOKEN-GETTER/refs/heads/main/token.py but it only returns
'pip install requests \npress enter to Exit' this li…
I got an error while trying this, could you take a look?
Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.19045.4894]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. 著作權所有,並保留一切權利。
>> input file path: C:\Users\mom\D…
I got this error:
do you have twitter?
how to deobfuscate this file
content_deobfuscated = decrypt_string(eval(value_str))
TypeError: eval() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or code object
我用的是https://pyobfuscate.com/pyd 加密方法
hey man, dont get it working with latest pyobfuscator files. also some lines in ur files are now called pyobfuscate and not obfuscate? can u check m8
also there is a crypto import now required it s…