how to install this api?
hello,brother,i have a question thay dataset,py set from RandAugment import RandAugment but i cant fing RandAugment only find randaugment , so i set from randaugment import RandAugment, RandAugment(3,…
When using RandomBrightness and RandomContrasts from RandAugment.get_standard_policy() with value_range=(0,1), two issues arise:
- RandomContrast computes output values correctly but does not clip t…
Segmentation Masks:
- [x] AugMix: https://github.com/keras-team/keras-cv/pull/1988
- [x] FourierMix: https://github.com/keras-team/keras-cv/pull/1991
- [ ] RandAugment
- [x] RandomCrop: https://gi…
right now we rely on the default names in the constructor for each layer. This is unclear to users which layer is TranslateX, which is TranslateY, etc.
For better customization, we should pass a n…
How were the hyperparameters for the intensity of RandAugment chosen?
Recently, we introduced [Tied-Augment](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.13520), a simple framework that combines self-supervised learning learning and supervised learning by making forward passes on two aug…
Sorry for my noob question . I noticed in the train graph you decribe in the paper's Figure 1 . The labeled img didn't transfomed by Randaugment. I think maybe it is because …
If I am not mistaken, there should be a `level_std*` after the `+=`, for otherwise the applied standard deviation is always 1.
hello, I have 3 questions can't be found in papers.
1.How to decide number of pixels for translateX(Y), on cifar10 is 10 pixels(10/32) but 150 pixels for imagenet(150/331), for example, if image s…