We'd like to try running Venus on Pi 5, any plans to build an image for the '5 in the next release(s)?
Is there a way to make this work with rasberry pi?
Find ways to weatherproof the Rasberry Pi if it were out at the stables
I'm a beginner in Rasberry pi and I want to connect adcmxl3021 to rasberry pi with the ADcmXL FX3 Interface Board.
There are some question about this project, hope that you could answer me.
I can'…
I want to build this model in rasberry pi but I think it is not compatible with rasberry pi. Please can I have some solutions or any alternatives for this?
Hello, does anyone know if nsynth works with rasberry Pi 4? Thank you!
sudo apt install libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 ffmpeg
I have a rasberry pi 3b. how do i install checkra1n on my rasberry pi? Do I run the code, or download it. Iam confused lol