Hello! 🙂
I've rewritten a few Final Form packages in TypeScript, and I thought I'd share the results here.
This post is quite literally a _request for comments_ 🙂
I'm writing this issue becau…
## Issue Description
_As a form user, I need to understand the updates to the form when reading the static content. Because we are launching the form updates incrementally, we need to build a react wi…
### Are you submitting a **bug report** or a **feature request**?
bug report (but actually warning report)
### What is the current behavior?
I get the following warning when using react-final…
### Are you submitting a **bug report** or a **feature request**?
Bug report. Though this error is coming from React Final Form, my application uses React Final Form through React Admin.
### Wha…
Is there anyway to reset the value of Field Select when the list of select has changed.
For example: I have a Field with Select component and the data list of select is [1, 2, 3, 4] then I pick item …
Bug report.
I'm using Semantic React UI 2.02 with react-final-form 6.5.3.
**First Issue**
I have a controlled Semantic React UI dropdown on a component that gets its value from the parent. I…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
Using Expo Router and presentation screen in 'modal'. Toste Error Message Show But Behind the Modal in IOS Specific Issue.
### Are you submitting a **bug report** or a **feature request**?
bug report
### What is the current behavior?
Getting the following error when conditionally rendering and resetting a field (…
Hey there @erikras!
I know there is quite the burden of having to support both `redux-form` and this in parallel, and not only does it take up a lot of time for you, but it's got to be stressful!