This a rough sketch of the road-map for SQL and relational databases wiki articles.
- [ ] Introduction
- [ ] Different types of relational databases
- [ ] `DDL`, `DML`, `DCL` Basics
- [ ] Gettin…
Not sure if we cover this adequately or not in Database week.
# 👋 Greetings CoSSA
We need to build a Database for CoSSA for future purposes
- PostgreSQL
- Supabase
_What are Your Thoughts?_
Get familiar with the basics of databases:
1 - Watch these videos:
[Learn What is Database | Types of Database | DBMS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j09EQ-xlh88&t=403s)
[What is SQL](h…
Article comparing and contrasting Relational, Non-relational, and Graph Databases
Article Issue: https://github.ibm.com/IBMCode/IBMCodeContent/issues/3642
Currently, relational databases are configured as data sources via the mandatory property `db_url` in the INI file. This is detailed in the documentation here: https://morph-kgc.readthedocs.io/en/late…
At the moment the `setCache()` only takes a handful of hard coded drivers (filesystem + some popular relational databases). It would be nice to write our own custom driver so we could implement a key/…
All relational databases support some way of checking whether a given JSON PATH exists in a JSON document. We should add a relational-level EF.Functions.JsonExists (or similar) which the different pro…
All of the major relational databases allow null values in unique key constraints.
As a workaround I could use unique indexes instead of alternate keys, but I would appreciate the semantics of a uniq…