I'm using LRP for my resnet model by loading in .pth file. However, it raises "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'relevance_input'" while I'm trying to apply the following code.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/bl/PycharmProjects/saliency-salgan-2017-master/scripts/02-train.py", line 17, in
from models.model_salgan import ModelSALGAN
File "/home/bl/P…
ghost updated
4 years ago
I am doing it on my own network:
model = load_model('./model_single_frame_cnn/model_allframe_101_ori.h5')
name = model.layers[-1].name
layer_idx = utils.find_layer_idx(model, name)
cwzat updated
6 years ago
Something wrong at the step of "Get perturbation saliency map"
I found "visualize_atari/jacobian-vs-perturbation.ipynb" still cannot work through, at the step of "Get perturbation saliency map":
daiyl updated
4 years ago
It would be great if Model API models had a method similar to the `postprocess`, that would generate a saliency map for models in any domain. Currently, we need to keep that logic on the GETi side. It…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2, in
seed_input=vid_frames, backprop_modifier='guided')
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Anaconda3\envs\tf_gpu\lib\site-packages\vis\visua…
I created a simple model that adds a global pooling layer and then 2 dense layers to VGG16 and learns to discriminate between 3 classes. It goes like this:
base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet…
hi, may i ask how to get the mask in the DefectMaker part, When i tested items[mask], there is nothing, and mask_size is None,
Running the example for vanilla gradient caused error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
58 from saliency import GradientSaliency
---> 59 v…
thank you very much for the nice library. Some very useful implementations to current Saliency methods :)
This may be more a suggestion rather than an issue, but well let's get into it:
dkosm updated
4 years ago