Hi @xinggangw @Unrealluver @ifzhang @LegendBC ,
Thanks for the release of the great work. But, I was trying to understand how I can actually interpret the model such that the results will be more exp…
Abstract: Local explanation frameworks aim to rationalize particular decisions made by a black-box prediction model. Existing techniques are often restricted to a specific type of predictor or based…
### Description
Feasibility of request and resulting actions if applicable TBC.
### User Story
**As** a Data Scientist
**I want to** interpret the results of models generated from Heteroge…
Hello, unfortunately [link](https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/samyak_j_research_iiit_ac_in/EXYq5WiSbh9Kq9R_n-Gr3yABRyKPSkxM7ROLg-zPDXV_qA?e=5AL7UU) to model weights doesn't work. If y…
Is there a way in R-keras to generate CAMs or Saliency Maps for one-dimensional input (e.g. a vector) as described for example for the "keras-vis" package for python?: https://github.com/raghakot/kera…
We will add the initial recommendations here and then move them to a papers.md as we start organizing the papers.
Application and Specific Architectures
1. [Hypercolumns for Object Segmentation and F…
[Saliency Metrics](https://github.com/yuya-inagaki/saliency_metrics)を使用して判断
- [x] 出力した顕著性マップと同じ状態のGround Truth Saliency Mapを出力する
- [x] Ground truth saliency mapを使用して顕著領域マップの生成を行う
- [x…
Excellent work!!! Thank you for your repo.
Is there a gate (which is denoted by G in formula (3) in the paper) in this smoothness loss?