06-01-2022 10:02:34 CST sql_3819 INFO - Starting job sql_3819 at 1641434554021
06-01-2022 10:02:34 CST sql_3819 INFO - job JVM args: -Dazkaban.flowid=Scheduler -Dazkaban.execid=79 -Dazkaban.jobid=sql…
### Search before asking
- [X] I searched the [issues](https://github.com/apache/linkis/issues) and found no similar issues.
### Linkis Component
### Steps to reproduce
### Search before asking
- [X] I searched the [issues](https://github.com/WeBankFinTech/DataSphereStudio/issues) and found no similar issues.
### DSS Component
### What happe…
### Search before asking
- [X] I searched the [issues](https://github.com/WeBankFinTech/DataSphereStudio/issues) and found no similar issues.
### DSS Component
### What happened + W…
新装全家桶, linkis1.1.1 + dss 1.1.0 + schedulis 0.7.0
创建项目可以同步至 schedulis,新建工作流失败,都没有进入流程图界面就报错了
error code(错误码): 71001, error message(错误信息): CheckAndSaveContext error : errCode: 70112 ,desc: InitCon…
2022-06-20 16:57:37.280 ERROR [Convert-Orchestration-Thread-5] com.webank.wedatasphere.dss.orchestrator.publish.job.OrchestratorConversionJob 99 run - Convert for project DSSProject{id=313, name='ESGD…
hehaa updated
3 months ago
### 一、 需求描述
1. WeDataSphere各开源组件版本要求如下:
|组件名|Apache Linkis|DataSphere Studio|Schedulis|Qualitis|Exchangis|Visualis|Streamis|MYSQL|JDK|
## DSS应用场景
Send Mail's type is node, the selected Node is Hql node, Hql works successful, But Mail Node forward to failure
Here is the dss-server error message:
2021-03-17 13:59:31.907 ERROR [qtp795…