- [x] spec fix @OlivierBBB
- [x] re-architecture initialization section `TX_INIT`
- [x] split initial transfer in gas then value
- [x] add undoing rows
- [x] capture `misc/CCSR` / `…
Include the mail section in `app.plura.pro` so that the marketing lead is displayed. Make sure to add some integrations for exporting them, most likely **convertkit, resend & loops**
Create Dashboard section in `app.plura.pro`.
> If you wanna pick it up make sure to connect with me for the designs.
Decide how and what should be build
We have a picture that we could add, I think it is nice to have our faces on the website for when we approach speakers and companies
We have a section about attestation on the website. Currently it just has an old clone of the docs from the Trustee repo. This isn't very use friendly. We should update it with a foolproof guide to us…
1. It should be responsive to all devices.
2. This section should be at the end , before footer section.
3. Make it dynamic , keep a separate JSON file where there should be key-value pair of compa…
It could be nice to have sections with borders and titles
Create a news feed for admin-posted updates.