import java.util.Arrays;
public class BubbleSort {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int[] input = {10,2,5,3,7,9,4,5…
The current generated c file has wrong indentations. Running a code beautifier easily solves this issue, reveals the logic of the code, and makes the code nicer overall.
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I would like to add some sorting algorithms in Java such as bubblesort, insertion sort and selectionsort.
Using functions, I'll create a java file containing all the 3 algorithms I've mentioned.
Eine Konsolenanwendung mit deren Hilfe verschiedene Sortieralgorithmen (unter anderem Bubblesort, Selectionsort, Insertionsort, Quicksort, Bogosort etc.) visuell dargestellt werden können.
Add the code for selectionsort in any language ( C, C++, Java, Go, Python or any other)
The code should be placed at code/sorting/selection_sort
Add Selection sort algorithm in `Sort` folder. Please create a separate directory for the language you are using.
exp: `Sort/Python/selectionsort.py`
In C folder , SelectionSort.c , the logic implemented is similar to BubbleSort.c instead of real logic of selection-sort which is the following :
Finding the smallest element in the array , swap it'…
Quick Sort: https://github.com/ITHelpself/BaiTapNhomLapTrinh/blob/master/src/BaiTapChepCode/QuickSort.cpp
Selection sort: https://github.com/ITHelpself/BaiTapNhomLapTrinh/blob/master/src/BaiTapChepCo…