Unfortunately this discussion [started in Error handling thread](https://github.com/keean/zenscript/issues/40#issuecomment-390693316).
And the discussion derived from [a post I made](https://github…
Add a markov-chain set of methods to the library. Probably easiest in the form of a class that can learn and generate through seperate methods.
Some ideas:
const Algo = require('total-seria…
- [x] 200 word bio.
- [x] Program notes.
- [x] The piece itself - interactive visual music using cloud-5.
## Note
- [1장 : 비동기성 지금과 나중](https://www.notion.so/huijooooo/1-2d99bcf595084c7b8d07885d8a3c73ad?pvs=4)
## QnA
### 1.2 이벤트 루프
- setTimeout( )에 대한 이야기가 나온다.
>- 적어도 지정한 시간(Interval) 이전에 콜백이 실행되지 않…
Add new generative ring method similar to fill() that repeats every value in a ring a certain amount of times.
ring abc (1 2 3 4) -> (1 2 3 4)
ring cba newMethod(abc 4) -> (1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4…
A method that repeats every item from an array a specified amount of times:
const Mod = require('total-serialism').Transform;
let myArr = [5 7 12 24]
myArr = Mod.repeat(myArr 4);
Update of the documentation needed, specially the ring methods. Maybe there could be a merge or redirect to the total-serialism library in this field.
This library should include methods like:
const Stat = require('total-serialism').Statistical;
//=> return the highest value from an array (possibly also works with note-name…
Nice looking library. I was wondering if you could build a bundled version of this that could be used on codepen for teaching purposes. [This](https://unpkg.com/total-serialism@1.6.0/index.…
Can used for serialism and deserialize Json