## CVE ID(s)
*List the CVE ID(s) associated with this vulnerability. GitHub will automatically link CVE IDs to the [GitHub Advisory Database](https://github.com/advisories).*
- CVEs pending
- N…
If a memory limit is set with `--memory`, the container will exceed this and cause the process to be killed.
Ideally the container would either detect this memory limit and use the value manually, …
Uh oh, it looks like #2 has broken the container. Now all my instances are getting the "Check computer strength." project infinitely.
by running the Sheep it-Client on your render maschien, you can render your own projects but also distribute the work to others. if you have no active project, a project from other community members g…
The Travis ci status is setup for laurent-clouet/sheepit-client not principat/sheepit-client