are you set on using a (particular) Merkle-tree-based log, or are you open to alternatives? I have some (academically) [unpublished](https://aljoscha-meyer.de/reed/assets/references/meyer2023so…
Nedan följer lista med saker jag antar bör gälla, samt frågor jag ställer mig när jag funderar på kravställning systemering, design och implementation av lådan. Alla frågor behöver absolut inte vara b…
### Problem
As described here: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/10qlf1q/nightly_dc1d9d50f_20230131_signature_verification/
rustup update and rustup check report that https://static.rust-la…
### Problem to solve
Imagine I have a simple test like
POST http://localhost:7380/sigsum/v1/add-tree-head
[ ... ]
HTTP 200
body contains "cosignature"
When it fails, t…
at last I've had a closer look at the bastion spec, with implementor eyes. Some questions and comments:
Backend to bastion: Probably obvious, since it terminates TLS, but this means that bas…
This is a set of transparency log related specs.
_note_ is for the signed note format, and has a draft at https://github.com/C2SP/C2SP/blob/filippo/tlogs/note.md. Would be maintained by me and @rsc…
See further details in https://git.glasklar.is/sigsum/project/documentation/-/merge_requests/50. Simply dropping the label is good enough for interim, no need to bother with the multiple lines stuff.
When running the code below with one of the two `weave` procs there are every now and then little spikes on the resulting wave form. These are single samples where the value is off. The non weave `tra…
Currently, a log's default identity if a function of both the log's origin line and the log's key.
## Background
Certificate Transparency (CT) ([RFC 6962](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6962.txt)) defines a "Signed Certificate Timestamp" (SCT), a "promise to incorporate the certificate in the…