Make the App() class to be singleton - can be defined only once.
## Description
Nouveauté !
Au démarrage du projet, nous avons désormais une modale qui s'affiche. Cette modale comprend un formulaire où l'utilisateur va pouvoir rentrer **son prénom** et **son nom*…
Siga o exemplo que está na pasta [Design Pattern] e submeta o seu PR sobre o design pattern desta issue.
Implement singleton pattern with short description about pattern.
요구 : Copier class는 별도의 멤버 변수도 없고 단순히 utility의 성격을 지닌 클래스이므로 단 하나의 객체만 존재하게 해 달라는 식으로 가능할 듯
Currently, the extension has three entry points (options, content, service-worker). Singelton may be a good fit for making content.js more modular and not passing initialized storage as a parameter to…
This is an important design pattern. After studying try to write some examples in swift.
# JavaScript Design Patterns
> Singleton Pattern