Collect research on the SOLID principals.
# Description
As I was revising for PE2 (which I got destroyed by), I understood a bit more about the SOLID principle but am still unsure about the (S)ingle Responsibility principle. I know that a…
# 스위프트로 다시보는 객체지향 프로그래밍: 피해야할 코딩 습관 · Soojin Ro
updating details after coming across OOP best practices later on in the "Full Stack JavaScript" course of The Odin Project
## Idea
It would be nice to have some checkers which would catch object oriented programming principle violations.[ SOLID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOLID) principles usually are the go-to for …
Years ago, I spent some time in Ruby and came across lots of Sandy Metz's work. She has a lot of incredible explanations around good code and practicality.
One thing that I've encountered over and …
[T-SOLID 2.1.zip](https://github.com/schwittlick/GoogleWeather/files/11843430/T-SOLID.2.1.zip)
All code should be wriiten according by the SOLID principles
## Abstract
As developers, we strive to create maintainable, scalable, and testable software. To achieve this, we need to adhere to the SOLID Principles. The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)…