Successfull Connection Call
`C:\Spark\spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop2.7\bin\spark-submit2.cmd --name sparklyr --driver-memory 2g --class sparklyr.Shell "C:\Users\SIT\Documents\R\win-library\4.0\sparklyr\java…
Add support for Spark ML clustering using [`sparklyr::ml_kmeans()`](https://spark.rstudio.com/packages/sparklyr/latest/reference/ml_kmeans.html) , [`sparklyr::ml_bisecting_kmeans()`](https://spark.rst…
While trying to fix the integration tests for 2.1 and 2.2 for mlvm and horovod, cluster creation fails as there are some dependency issues between torch, torchvision and torchaudio
For mlvm trying …
## Willingness to contribute
The MLflow Community encourages new feature contributions. Would you or another member of your organization be willing to contribute an implementation of this feature (ei…
I was able to use your `docker-compose.yml` to get spark up and running on my computer. I am able to copy small data to it using `sparklyr`: For example:
Connect to your Spark cluster
Is it possible to add sparklyr connection sources in the Load Data Types ?
This would make Radiant a impressive spark business analytics tool.
Some related usability feature, like the "Sample Size" …
I am trying to connect to a databricks cluster and trying to run the exploratory command to list databases with `src_databases(sc)`. Not sure but wanted to reach out for thoughts on what could be goin…
@jimhester I'm planning to step out of Arrow work for a bit, so I'll brain dump what I found here.
From looking at the Arrow sources, specially the Java ones, looks like column bindings would be he…
hello and thanks for this very interesting project. I wonder if someone can use it with sparklyr? any ideas?