This issue is related to footbal_matches, specifically the scraping part.
data = requests.get(standings_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data.text)
--> standings_table = soup.select('table.stats_table')…
- Consider WAB as an additional resume metric?
- Does Torvik calculate this early in the season?
- Bonus/penalty for Quad 1 wins and Quad 3/4 losses.
- 3-4 Q1 wins seems like the high end …
Who are we | Contact us | Our team | Charity? | Events (with subtabs for last D-Day, Spring and Fall semester | Sports (up only around D-Day)
### HOME PAGE - agreed
Keep the same …
Currently, the API response for events does not return a unique identifier, making it very challenging to track & reference between events, in particular, events that are updated / modified or deleted…
Didn't see a way of contacting you so Id thought I do it through here, I found your code why google searching some of the domains I found, and found your util.py
Was particularly looking at
csv_url …
This issue is for submitting your project proposals. Before class next Wednesday 16 Oct, reply with:
1. The title
2. List of group members
3. 2-5 sentence description of what you'll do
4. List o…
This should be a suggestion ...
I cannot recognize any rule why some shops have an operator element and some not. Quite often, the reference `name_oh_wheelchair_level` is set (without operator), bu…
Maybe a portal or dedicated page where we can submit missing information, images ect.
maybe if needed include a verifcation link or submited evidence.
just an idea :)
## Summary
메타 데이터 기초 전처리 (json 파일) > data.frame 형태로 저장해주세요. feature는 3분이 논의해서 결정해서 저장하심 됩니다.
## Todo
## Importance
## Reference
I have a file (exactly);
# Data from 'Naive Bayes Classifier example' by Eric Meisner November 22, 2003
# http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~ormandi/teaching/mi2/02-naiveBayes-example.pdf
Color Type O…