SportsPress Basketball при вводе счета игры он не отображается в событие?
Having an issue where if you click on a different player from the dropdown player list it does not redirect to that player?
Example: https://macsgolfhub.com/player/greg/ using the dropdown menu …
Hola Leandro. Veo que tenes lanzada la versión 0.0.2 pero no está subida. Existe? se puede subir?
Why do the leagues in which a team play have to be added when adding a player? Surely this is a team-league relationship. If a player belongs to a team they are logically playing within the league the…
I am using Sportspress, and I like it too much, but one thing in annoing me, why do I have to create a list of players to show the players of the team in team page? There is an option to set the team …
When i add statistics of a game, i choose my 5 starters and my bench players but it demands the minutes and which players. But that's not work like that in basketball. There is just starters and bench…
Within my custom theme, I would like to be able to get data from the calendar for one, or multiple leagues.
At the Moment this is not possible due to the fact that the handled `$this->league` variabl…
In the sportspress/includes/class-sp-league-table.php file, lines 911 and 917, uasort expects 0 or 1 or -1, thus simply returning the value difference will give inconsistent results.
**How to repro…
in my current project, I am facing the issue that I have multiple teams having the same name, while they are assigned to different leagues.
Add a CSV importer for a single event. An exporter would also be useful.