When I render qmd file in quarto, it always show that stata log and software information. Not sure where is th problem.
The tool I am using is vscode and the kernel is nstata. My quarto output form…
Add something about this to the User Guide, and maybe also about other 'nbstata` utilities that may be helpful when working in a Python notebook:
When you want to use Stata within a Python notebook…
Quarto is blowing my mind. It seemed impenetrable as I browsed randomly through the reference docs to find answers to particular questions. But then I finally broke down and...worked through the tutor…
**Timebox: 1/2 day**
We currently require read permission to the opensafely/server-instructions repo such that OpenSAFELY CLI can contact it to get the Stata license key.
Not only does it crash, stata refuses after reloading, to open jl.plugin (it says ./jl.plugin cannot be opened or smth like that)
it works w/ 1.0.2
Please can we have a snapshot of the database that the analyst can connect to in STATA to use for the annual analyses?
Could this be taken on 15 January 2025 at 12:00am?
Depending on the terminal color scheme, the syntax highlighting can be either wonderful, or entirely illegible.
The color theme should be configurable by the user. [Rich.Syntax](https://rich.readth…
### Bug description
My attempt to use Stata inline code results in an apparent Python error.
### Steps to reproduce
Sample doc:
title: "Stata inline code"
format: html
jupyter: nbstata
Nelle cariche di Giunta vanno aggiunti anche i sottosegretari che possono fornire delle risposte.
Attualmente i Sottosegretari non sono presenti nelle view degli assessori. Occorre togliere l'ID 10 d…
I shows a event-study did example:
y = a + event_1*treat*beta1+ event_2*treat*beta2 + event_3*treat*beta3 + event_4*treat*beta4 + event_5*treat*beta5 + u
In this function, using this code in stata m…