Comb all Illinois HS t&f data on athletic.net, dyestat.com, directathletics, milesplit, etc. and write webcrawler
Do crazy predictive statistics
I had floated the idea to @kwmsmith of using blaze as a general front end for statistical modeling and machine learning DSLs, and he asked me for a write up.
Unfortunately this is going to be a bit …
## Overview
The purpose of this issue/document is two-fold:
- to summarize the regressions analyses of the project in a **textual form**
- to summarize the results of these regression analyses in …
### Key points:
- Proposal: Remove `interacts` from the DSL and conceptual model disambiguation phase.
- Rationale: Interactions start to get at statistical formulation. They are a good example of…
**_Formação Analista de Dados_**
**Skills importantes para o cargo:**
- Estatística e Visualização de Dados
- Tecnologias específicas (SQL, Excel e Ferramentas visualização de Dados: Power BI, Ta…
### Missing functionality
# Addition of statistical testing if the data follows normal distribution or not
Statistical testing is used to check whether a given dataset follows a normal distribution …
Overall, the project is creative with a combination of R and 3D modeling with well-designed weekly tasks. There are two suggestions that we would propose to your team for better approach to the projec…
### Title
Probabilistic models of brain connectivity at rest from fMRI data
### Leaders
Miguel Ibanez Berganza, Arianna Armanetti, Gabriele Poidomani, Francesca Santucci
### Collaborators
_No res…
- Reproducible environments - conda environments
- Jupyter notebooks - Jupyter Labs too since they are the future
- Physical modeling nympy 2 (integration methods) @dvalters
- Statistical modeling…
Analysis of real-time domestic consumer data and industrial electrical energy consumption data, providing valuable insights for decision-making & using mathematics, statistics, predicting report.