## Steps to reproduce
1. Add duplicate students with all fields same except for the phone number. For example,
`add n/John Doe p/98765432 a/John street, block 123, #01-01 gl/LCM 1`
`add n/John Doe p/…
According to this user story, user should be warned of clashing classes.
The user `John Doe` accidentally typed an extra space in between. In this case, `John Doe` and `John Doe` are likely the same person because of the typo. Ideally, the app should be able to distinguish…
When a user key in his name `John Doe` first time and `JOHN DOE` second time, the addressbook should detect that it is a duplicate entry and prevent `JOHN DOE` to be added again. The app still allows …
Hey there, I noticed that when using the map styles, duplicate street labels are added to the map, cluttering it. Compare those two screenshots:
1. without the styling
2. with styling
command executed: `add i/Chair e/2025-04-04 a/John street, block 123, #01…
## Description
It is great that duplicate names are rejected --> but with…
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 4.17.53 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2103-AY2425S1/pe/master/files/d1e3f42d-f545-425b-bd3c-b030ef54ca8e.png)
Steps to reproduce:
add n/John Doe p/9876543…
The date 29 February occurs in a leap year and does not exist. When a user inputs a appointment with this date, the correct error should show that it is not a valid date. However, all the program does…
Steps to recreate:
1) add p n/John d/o Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 OR
add p n/John s/o Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-0…