- [ ] cards for student projects affiliated with westart
| **Assignment** | **Points** | **Grade** | **Evidence** |
| Tri 1-3 Review Ticket | 3 …
1. A link to your deployed project
- [link](https://github.com/natgeo89/nodejs2024Q3-service/pull/2)
2. A link to the project repository on Github.
- [link](https://github.com/natgeo89/node…
Hi dan
I allready finished your project icozip on (iCE40HX8K) board
And i think to start this project on "nexys A7" it's available for me i also know that is not simeler board
Eth phy is RMII
During the current iteration of our project course on static program analysis, one of our students discovered what i believe is a bug in abstract interpretation. The students were working on a task wh…
1.1.3 Benoemt belangen van eindgebruikers, valideert door middel van testen en verwerkt testresultaten.
usertest,lightouse test, performance test, toegankelijkheid
performance test: https://gith…
This project is a good one..
I'm still in the process of testing your project and came across the issues of after add a new student or teacher using the email and DoB of the new user at the Login…
## Overview
As an experience programmer, but entirely new to the MPL/MPI systems and programming styles, a student should be provided with introductory information and helpful examples. Some of the k…
To do this, I need to make sure that I remove a student from any project groups when I remove them from a project.