I have a project that uses PerfectHttpServer and PerfectMySQL (added using SwiftPackageManager).
Everything works fine when I run the app in Xcode, however when I generate an archive and export the…
This is an additional module type for code generation - a snippet that can be added to an existing SPM manifest vs. generating a complete Package.swift file as we do for `.swiftPackageManager` - TBD
First of all, thanks for this project.
I have a similar need in my projects.
I read the Readme that says:
Since this library should rather go to RxSwift-core, **there is no plan to re…
### Troubleshooting
- [Yes ] I've searched [discuss.bitrise.io](https://discuss.bitrise.io/) for possible solutions.
- Which version of the step is effected? 5.1.2
- Is the issue reproducible wit…
Is it possible to use cocoa pods instead of Carthage with under dark? Our large project uses already cocoa pods and integrating Carthage would just be another hassle.
xlsxwriter.h:1:10: 'xlsxwriter.h' file not found with include; use "quotes" instead
Cell_Range: Could not build Objective-C module 'Cxlsxwriter'
### What happened?
In our Tuist dependency configuration we have several third parties that come as static dependencies (or with transitive) but linked from multiple targets. We have this Dependency …
Currently projects using Swift Package Manager cannot directly use this repository as a source for the package. Please integrate support for Swift Package Manager, so apps using Swift Package Manager …
### What happened?
I add a scheme, but the generated project doesn't have the scheme.
### How do we reproduce it?
1. tuist scaffold swiftui --name schemeTest
2. add the custom scheme