| Q | A
| ------------------- | -----
| Bug report? | yes/no
| Feature request? | yes/no
| Swoft version | 2.1
| Swoole version | 4.4.18
| PHP version …
+ All frameworks **SHOULD** follow this rules :
| HTTP | Route | Status code | Response body |
| ------ | ----------- | ----------- | --------------------- |
| `GET` | `/` …
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
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我想起了我去过一家公司,让我写冒泡排序,这么简单的排序我分分钟就写完了,结果面试官看了我的代码之后就说我写的不对,我问他哪里不对他又说不出来 https://www.v2ex.com/t/454877
PHP 里如何实现数组转 xml 并且格式化https://www.v2ex.com/t/454894
https://packagist.org/?query=array%20xml ht…
**(CONSOLE)Swoft\Server\Exception\ServerException: Swoole task event listener is not Swoft\Server\Contract\SyncTaskInterface**
At /var/www/html/swoft/vendor/swoft/serv…
We're missing retries on Exporter errors: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/318745aaf6fb173eb5cbc887ab76796bd817b3d6/specification/protocol/exporter.md#retry
Why is there an error when configuring master/slave replication for mysql in swoft framework? When I cancel this, I will not have this error. Is there something I'm not configuring correctly
There are already many php frameworks that support coroutines, such as hyperf, swoft, etc.
However, these frameworks are obviously inferior to laravel in terms of ecological richness and community …
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2. What did you expect to see?