I am trying to export `aocr` to tensorflowjs. But I am stuck at the point of exporting this model into a file.
When running the `aocr export ANY_LOCATION` I get the following error:
This template is for miscellaneous issues not covered by the other issue categories.
**I used the following command:**
`!tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=keras \
I would like to save a deeplab tensorflowjs model locally, after loading it. For now its only possible for models loaded by "tf.loadLayersModel()" (https://js.tensorflow.org/api/latest/#loadLayersMode…
大神,请教一下,你是否有尝试过实现movenet模型的量化,比如在hub上提供的tensorflowjs 模型是半精度的即float16的,你这边是否有再进一步量化成uint8精度的?若有,请问是怎么操作的?效果如何?
### Question
I'm using tfjs-node to create an image-classifier model;
but I'm stuck with how to convert model.json to a format that can be used by optimum or script.convert to convert it to a onnx …
### Your codes was mind-blowing!
I want to say this is incredible man you do it? real by tensorflowjs. in three months age I was trying do that by some help by Chatbot 😒 but he isn't understand how…
Dear community members,
I am trying to import the created frozen_inference_graph.pb to create tensorflow.js equivalent model , so as to consume the same in web browser . To do the same , as per th…
When I tried to load the customized model generated from tensorflowjs. I got the 'Error loading activate learning model'.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Train a tensorflow SSD model
2. Conv…
I am developing a custom OpenWrt image but now want to include node-red with tensorflowjs. Please advise me on how this can be achieved. Also, I would appreciate it if you could make it happen…
After training a model, and converting the model to tfjs, if I try to use the model in TFJS getting this error.
Error loading layer ValueError: Unknown layer: Lambda. This may be due to one of the …